

发布日期:2024-07-27 05:07    点击次数:167





今天际刊精讲直播的著述来自《经济学东说念主》的——China is going crazy for durians.Locals love the pungent fruit. The government sees an opportunity





学有所得 2024年率先✌

China is going crazy for durians.Locals love the pungent fruit. The government sees an opportunity.


要点词汇:pungent adj. /ˈpʌndʒənt/

1. having a strong taste or smell滋味(或气息)浓烈的;刺激性的

• the pungent smell of burning rubber 烧橡胶的刺鼻气息

2. direct and having a strong effect说穿的;提纲契领的;一针见血的

• pungent criticism 一针见血的品评

Eric Chan has long sold durians, a pungent fruit, to South-East Asians. Now he is eyeing a bigger prize. The Musang King variety that he cultivates in Malaysia is beloved by Chinese consumers. But at the moment his country only has permission to export frozen durians to China, where many want them fresh. In total, Chinese foodies gobbled up $6.7bn-worth of imported fresh durians last year, up from $4bn in 2022 and $1.6bn in 2019, the year durians overtook cherries as China’s largest fresh-fruit import by value.

✅翻译:Eric Chan一直向东南亚出售一种滋味浓郁的生果——榴莲。当今他盯上了一个更大的倡导。他在马来西亚造就的猫山王品种深受中国消费者的喜爱。但现时,他的国度只允许向中国出口冷冻榴莲,然则许多东说念主中国消费者更念念要清新的榴莲。旧年,来自中国的吃货们一共破钞了价值67亿好意思元的清新榴莲,高于2022年的40亿好意思元和2019年的16亿好意思元。2019年,榴莲取代樱桃,成为中国入口价值最高的鲜果。

要点词汇:variety n./vəˈraɪəti/

a type of a thing, for example a plant or language, that is different from the others in the same general group(植物、话语等的)变种,变体;异体;品种

例句:Apples come in a great many varieties.


• different varieties of English万般英语

要点词汇:beloved adj./bɪˈlʌvd/

loved very much by sb; very popular with sb钟爱的;深受喜爱的

• the deep purple flowers so beloved by artists 受艺术家宠爱的深紫色花

Apart from a love of the fruit, two shifts help to explain China’s increasing appetite for durians. The first is the growth of the country’s middle class. More and more Chinese are able to afford durians, which are not cheap. An average one from Thailand, the supplier of much of China’s stock, can sell for around 150 yuan ($20). The Musang King variety can fetch up to 500 yuan each. (A durian is often big enough to be shared by two people.)


要点词汇:supplier n./səˈplaɪər/

A supplier is a person, company, or organization that sells or supplies something such as goods or equipment to customers. 供应商

• of the country's biggest food suppliers. … 该国最大的食物供应商之一。

要点词汇:fetch v./fetʃ/

to be sold for a particular price售得,卖得(某价) SYN sell for

例句:The painting is expected to fetch $10 000 at auction.

这幅画瞻望拍卖可得 10 000 元。



